Friday 30 May 2014

Assigning of Quota to the first 1000 successful applicants for 2014 Solar Malaysia FIT SEDA

Congratulations to those successful applicants !

 Assigning of Quota to the first 1000 successful applicants for 2014 Solar Malaysia FIT SEDA

On 27th May 2014, while service providers were applying for queue numbers for individual applications, the e-FiT online system had to be suspended at 1.17 pm because of technical problems which were initially suspected to be linked to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack. However, investigations have revealed the problem was due to too many applicants trying to log-in, resulting in intense network congestion. As such, the Authority would like to confirm that the data in the e-FiT online system was not compromised in any way.
At the point of system suspension, more than 1000 queue numbers were successfully allocated to the FiA applications based on first-come-first-serve basis. Quota will be assigned to the first 1000 queue numbers amounting to a total capacity of approximately 8 MW by today (29th May 2014). The remaining queue numbers which did not manage to secure any quota will be given priority in the next quota release, as would the remaining individual applications which did not secure any queue number. For future allocation of queue numbers, SEDA Malaysia is considering using a computerised balloting system to prevent recurrence of the traffic congestion and resulting technical problems.  The balloting is proposed to be conducted by a neutral third party, under public observation, to ensure transparency.

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